Friday 14 June 2024

Torrejón el Rubio


Street workers in Spain are always well turned out. In fact the small towns and communities I pass through are meticulously clean. I see them sweeping during the mornings in all the communities. Mainly women.

I've learnt that wherever you go in Spain you'll come across a camino. Lots of lesser ones joining the more well known ones. Joining a well signposted Camino Real at a hermitage to Our Lady, a pilgrimage destination celebrated with a festival each May. A place standing alone in the countryside.

Parque Nacional de Monfragüe is a surprise with large areas of water in an otherwise dry landscape. It is rugged landscape and mountaunous in part but supporting much wildlife. Bonelli's eagles plainly visible swooping down from graggy outcrops above the waterways and other birds of prey I couldn't recognise. Cattle, donkeys and wild deer. Encimas and Alconoques are 'oak' species trees suited to the dry climate and cover the landscape entirely. The fruit acorn is used to feed pigs which I didn't see!

Toril is a delightful oasis and a centre for discovering wildlife in the region. Mari Jose showed me around the beautifully refurbished church now an exhibition centre. She spoke a little English which I've already said is rare here. The festival the following day I will miss.

Rarely saw another vehicle throughout the day with temperatures on the trail reaching near 40° (32° in the shade).

I received many best wishes messages on my birthday today.

PS photos are resized down to 10% to allow easy transfer to blog and so often not very sharp sorry

Sent from my Galaxy


  1. You are seeing so much. We just communicated on Whatsapp about Charlotte's dad - then I decided to check out your updates. Very hot it seems. Jeez- must be so hot to cycle...... Are you a bird watcher now, as well as a cycler. I love the detail noticed. The presence of presence... :)

  2. Reading the next now... Joing the Via de le Plata ! Well done! Nice to have had a conversation with the Catherine woman... The town seems a nice vibe with the well dressed people strolling in the heat :) I will keep looking at your journey my father (on father's day) xxx

  3. I've got tired of seeing storks now. There's hundreds and hundreds of them 😄
    It's good to hear from you and cycling gets you really close up to places you visit x
