Sunday 9 June 2024


SUNDAY arriving in Madrid

Following the anticipated tortuous journey by bike from Barajas-Madrid airport, it was a pleasure and relief to see the Fuente de Cibeles at the heart of the city. The Palacio/Ayuntamiento of Cibeles (it seems to be referred to as both) standing alongside was surprisingly the main Post Office until not so long ago. The Greek goddess Cibeles symbolically holds the keys of the city. Her chariot drawn by lionesses located at the centre of a very heavily trafficked roundabout.

The very real Palacio Real de Madrid is built upon the first millenium Moorish Alcázar with ground steeply falling away to river below. An obvious selection for a fortification. No longer occupied by the King and Queen of Spain who now live in something less grandiose out of town.

Opposite the Palacio Real stabds the Cathedral Santa Maria le Real de la Almudenda and, a relatively short distance away, the most lovely Plaza Mayor. Understated in comparison with some of the splendour and grandeur of other historic buildings yet most appealing.

In comparison, Hostal Alonso (my overnight stay) is pretty basic. I share the room with my bike.

Outside many tourists enjoy the warmth of the evening. And until light for the youngsters.

Sent from my Galaxy


  1. Good to see you managed to see some of the sights of Madrid before leaving there soon. Great photos and happy cycling x

    1. I was able to catch some things on my way in and the rest were in walking distance

  2. Lovely photos, Tom, with explanations which are much appreciated. Doug

    1. You know well the power of the photograph. Thanks for looking in.

  3. Palácio Real de Madrid looks awesome 🤩 Good to read the blog. Good luck with the cycling xxx

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks for taking an interest Caroline.
