Monday 24 June 2024


The Rio Tinto is full of iron and other poisonous elements making it very unhealthy. At Niebla the Roman bridge over the Rio Tinto is still in use and the Muslim fortress was built to withstand attack by weapons using gunpowder. It is regarded as the first significant building to withstand such attacks although it was surrendered to the Christian Army in due course. Huelva sits between two magor rivers and access for me proved difficult avoiding extensive areas of swampy land or major highways. San Juan del Puente was celebrating John the Baptist Day a day later than La Palma from where I set off earlier.

As a result of the earthquake of the mid 1700s Huelva was mosly destroyed. The same earthquake which hit Lisbon. It is still a major port but cannot be regarded as a beautiful city. Maybe it was different in past times.

Cristóbal Colon set sail from Huelva. His statue shows him pointing towards the Atlantic and distant America. The waterfront is extensive but the replicas of the ships Colón sailed are a little distant to visit today.

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  1. Le palma del caldado looked like it had some nice architecture. Huelva doesn't look as attractive, as you say . Caroline

    1. La Palma with the John the Baptist fiesta was a lovely place and isolated in countryside with no tourists. Planning routes has its ups and downs. I experienced downs but this town was a great success. Huelva I wouldn't choose to visit again. I've learnt virtually no Portuguese and even a few words I tried were not understood. Tem um bom dia y obrigado pelo comentários 😁
