Sunday 23 June 2024

La Palma del Condado


Today was initially dictated by the exceptionally high temperatures reaching 37°(45° on the road). Bodegas apoear however in La Palma del Condado preparations were underway for celebrating St John the Baptist Day. The Barroquial parish church of San Juan Bautista (St John the Baptist) appeared to be preparing for a Sunday mass but clearly something important was happening as  people from the town gathered.

A stunning procession took place through the town with brass band and thumping percussion. Initially and dramatically the decorated structure holding the statue of St John aloft inched out through the main doorway. Carried by a team of men within the decorated structure into the Plaza de España and followed by dozens of dignitaries dressed for the occassion. The procession made its way through all the main streets at a slow pace. Very slow with fresh teams of bearers at intervals. It all took many hours and went well into the scorching hot night. Truly magnificent sight and showing the strength of Catholicism in Spain. 

Sent from my Galaxy

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