Saturday 22 June 2024

Seville for a second day

Today in Seville it is 37° and spending time in the cool of the Cathedral is welcome relief. The visit includes climbing the La Giralda tower which is 40 odd sloped tiled ramps to arrive at the bell tower. The bell rang when the visitors were immediately underneath and frightened us all stiff after the serious climb up there. The structure is largely Islamic era as are parts of the Cathedral. The largest Cathedral in the world of course pushing the Hagia Sophia in Instanbul into second place. That's got the ramped access ways to upper levels too. Ramps can be climbed by mules to heave up the privileged.

Really one needs a whole day to see all that the Cathedral offers and whilst it doesnt have a massively voluminous nave there are countless chapels with  artwork, gold and silver craftsmanship and so much more.
Inside an important mausoleum to Cristóbal Colón was erected in1899 after his body was moved from Valladolid where he died to the Dominican Republic then to Cuba before arriving in Seville, the city he loved. The city loves him too.

In the days of discovery the ports of Cadiz and Huelva were highly significant ports and as Seville was the capital of Andalucia and relatively closeby it benefited from trade in and out of these ports. A particular chapel is devoted to those making voyages to pray for safe return.

Sent from my Galaxy


  1. Your account is taking me back to my visit there, breathtakingly large isn't it! I'm also remembering it as being particularly hot in Seville so can imagine it was lovely cooling off in the Cathedral! Nat X

    1. You've seen a lot of Spain on your travels x

  2. Glad you found a respite from the heat in the cathedral! I loved my trip to Seville and remember those mule ramps in the tower... and the 🔔 s
