Monday 17 June 2024

Mérida walkabout

A leisurely day to visit the historic attractions of this lovely town. A week after leaving Madrid and what a wonderful place this is with Roman historical buildings including an aqueduct, the longest ancient bridge in existence, an amphitheatre and a superb outdoor theatre. My namesake, THE Tom Jones, is performing at the theatre in a few days time!

The hostel owner joked about being confused when he first saw my name on the room reservation.

Just a few more photos and to finish a new statue of the Capitoline Wolf suckling Romulus and Remus linking this city with Rome. 

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  1. Amazing place. The longest Roman bridge in existence!!! wow. How do you feel? Tired?? Caroline x

  2. The bridge and other Roman historic buildings in Mérida were a big surprise. I planned to make cycling days not too challenging. So general weariness after a day in the saddle ....
