Wednesday 12 June 2024


The Carretera Provincial is again a wonderful route through the countryside. A pleasure to drive and cycle. Leaving Talvera la Reina, one of the biggest towns in Castilla - La Mancha, the going is tough on gravel paths. It feels like Don Quixote country but that is more southerly of Madrid. Maybe the silhouette on the walls of tonights hostal influenced me.

Oropresa has a fairytale mediaeval castle strategically perched on a highpoint of what is otherwise a flat plain. Camino Real de Guadalupe is a new camino to me and extends some 250 kms from Madrid or Toledo to the mediaeval monastery in Guadalupe. It passes through Torrijos and Oropresa and locals assume I'm following it. I'm not but it has added some significance to my journey. 

Expansive undulating plains seen from the grounds of the castle in Oropesa. Tapas always served with drinks. Temperatures on the trail in excess of 30°. Very little English spoken. Tomorrow takes me into the region of Extramadura and a bit closer to the Via de la Plata.

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  1. Nice one dad! Are you trying to speak a bit of Spanish? You must be. Caroline

    1. Hablo un poco y es necessario porque aquí poca gente habla inglés ...

    2. Nao habla Espanhola - lol - mas posso percerbi poca :)

  2. Looks really lovely x

  3. Looks really peaceful, Dad, and the tapas with drinks will be a hit I'm sure 😊 Nat x

    1. Right again. I was asked what type of tapas i would like and got confused thinking the aciete (oil) was to be in the beer. In my mind I had Mexico where they do add weird things to drinks
