Thursday 13 June 2024

Belvis de Monroy


Sierra de Gredos, the mountain range to the north of my route westwards from Madrid starts to retreat today as the journey moves south. More gravel paths alongside the highway and at the border into the region of Extremadura a stork leaves it's nest. Looking back at this point the brick pillar has almost lost the 'cutting edge' steel sword symbol of Toledo which I'm guessing was more evident on the original roadway, now replaced by the new highway (autopista). A whole community of storks have taken over the crumbling brick building nearby.

In Navalmoral de la Mata an unusual sculpture honoring the workers of a major clothes manufacturer Fuentecapala (never heard of them) once located there but no longer trading. I searched to find the piece was commissioned and paid for by the original owner and manager. A nice tribute to the workers (trabajadores).

In the distance the ruined castle in Belvis de Monroy which is too distant to visit from my overnight hotel.

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  1. More storks! More importantly - HAPPY BIRTHDAY! May cycling be the best for you! :))))) Caroline

  2. Sounds remote and quiet. Nice 👍

  3. From Tom ☺️

    1. Yes it was a remote location but a lot of workers and others use the hotel as its easy access from the main highway.
