Friday 28 June 2024



The Portuguese are not very complimentary about the Spanish from my experience so far. I didn't hear a bad word about the Portuguese when in Spain. Certainly within the older generations the Portuguese I come across (a limited number of course) there is much debate ongoing about the origins of Portugal. The country name came into existence in the 800s'. The Anglo Portuguese alliance (once between the Kings of England and Portugal and now the UK and Portugal) in 1386 is the oldest still in force and is there to promote friendship and support of each other. In the 1400s' the Age of Discovery began and Portugal's Prince Henry the Navigator (Infante D. Henrique) was a key figure. A statue of him is in Lagos, a town with a significant harbour.

In Algarve holiday making rules and the intensity for making money out of tourism is never far away. Traffic is intense too and cycling is not favoured.

Lagos has a low key fortress and a long paved waterfront and marina. Generally speaking it costs significantly more than Spain to get through the days and nights.

About the language I'm going to say nothing as I can't speak any.

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  1. ¡Qué bueno Tom que llegaste en Portugal! ¿Has planeo de visitar Lisboa? No puedo asistir al charlar para 2 semanas. ¡Qué tengas un viaje maravilloso! El tiempo hace menos calor hoy.

    1. Hola Esther. Es bueno que me contactas en español. Ayer un hombre de portugal me dijo que yo aprendo castellaño y no español 😁. Pronto mi viaje termina y no voy a Lisboa. Nos vemos en unas semanas 👋
