Thursday 16 April 2015

Spartacus country

In Santa Maria Capua Vetere the amphitheatre is very accessible and the  passages below the arena floor are extensive. The ferocious 'entertainment' above surely was an extraordinarily barbaric scene.
Spartacus was trained as a gladiator in this small town near the larger Capua. He was of Thracian blood and led a servants revolt and challenged the might of the Roman Empire. Remember Kirk Douglas in the classic film! Finally his army was destroyed and 6,000 prisoners crucified at intervals alongside the Via Appia. From my travels so far that's about one every 3 or 400 meters I reckon!
At Benevento the  Roman Arch of Trajan marks the occasion of the completion of a new more direct Roman road to the Adriatic, the Via Traiana - instigated by the Emperor Trajan. It became the preferred route to the Holy Land in the Mediaeval Period.
I have to say three young boys were remarkably helpful finding my accommodation in SMCV and regarded it as their good deed for the day - I found out they were 'scouts'. Thanks Marco, Marco and Tomasso.