Sunday 26 April 2015

Pella, birthplace of Alexander the Great

Flat plains of Thessaloniki with important stages on the VE. Gianista then Pella the capital of ancient Macedonia. Tortoises munching grass on the Iron Age necropolis, a huge mound with trees now on top. Fenced off as valuable finds made here by archaeologists.
The track runs out in sight of Pella, the birthplace of Alexander the Great and his father Phillip II. Alexander was educated by Aristotle no less! The city flourished in the third and fourth century BC before the Roman conquest and construction of the VE in 168 BC. Excavations show the wealthy city of the past.
My cycling route through the decaying industrial outer region of Thessaloniki is grim. A day off cycling tomorrow.


  1. Glad to hear you found your way to Little Big House! I hope you enjoy your stay in Thessaloniki. I still can't get over how quickly you're moving compared to a walking pace.

  2. Two wheels make a huge difference
