Wednesday 21 September 2022

Spotorno on the Via della Costa

Sanremo, an important destination on the Italian Riviera,  missed the influx of International visitors seen on the French coast. Supermarket prices substantially lower than in France.  The Italian resorts are less perfect but have a relaxed charm about them and the importance of the Catholic faith is more noticeable with churches prominently placed in every small town.

Frank from Germany wheeling his gear to Genoa spends his life on the road. He plans to continue east to Asia. His wife returned home recently but will rejoin him soon. The trolley will get heavier.

Twisting and turning along the coastline, in and out of tunnels which conveniently cut through unpassable rock faces, down and up from seashore towns. Sharing road with busy traffic as opposed to mountainous roads inland. Flatter sections picking up on the Via Aurelia which without tunneling crossed inland at higher elevations. Romans clearly preferred to go over rather than through rock outcrops. The Maritime Alps loom in the background as the range merges with the Appennines in the vicinity of Genoa.

Spotorno overnight is a restful small town and the local restaurants serve much seafood. Even on pizzas.

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  1. Great commentary Dad . Really enjoying hearing about your journey . Keep going xxx

  2. Keeping going is the essence of a cycling tour x

  3. I love your reply to Steph!
