Sunday 18 September 2022


A coastline full of beaches washed in sunshine and azure blue waves. Nice is a city of natural splendour and tasteful architecture. 

Countless people visit and are here now. There is a deep water inlet strategically located just around the headland, a short walk only, where cruise ships dock. Adding to the influx of visitors but neatly out of sight.

The route through from Cannes was barred by a troop of armed Napoleonic soldiers firing blank rounds to commemorate Napoleon's lading in Golfe-Juan in 1815. The Emperor was back in France escaping from his confinement on the Island of Elba. Later that year there was Waterloo which finished his reign for good. 

The Greeks, as is often the case, founded and colonised Nice which was then named Nikaia.

Today the walking tour will no doubt reveal more.

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  1. Beautiful photos, Dad! X

  2. Great to see these pictures and read your updates and info. Lots of lovely blue to look at! X

  3. It's a special place and I'm lucky to be here

  4. I'm love Nice. In fact one day in dream of living there ! It's such a special place with beautiful places all around it!
