Monday 5 October 2020

Belvedere di Marritimo and the day of the diversion (Monday)

A full on day of cycling apruptly got ramped up (literally) at Sapri where the coastal road was closed. Maybe a landslide, who knows! Any diversion inland means mountains and a few hours later I was looking way down on Sapri and the worst of the diversion was over. Displaying on my Garmin navigation device as 'Rate my donkey' I had to smile, begrudgingly, at this route description. 46kms later I'm back on track.

Hurtling past coastal towns on the main coastal highway some time is recovered. My hotel is open and expecting me. Some relief but no food at the hotel that evening or anywhere in town. My cycling reserves take a big hit .....

Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone.


  1. Rate my donkey, lol! Argh, no food, hope your supplies were satisfying?!

    1. I didn't starve and eat a good breakfast the next day .... more than an Italian croissant and coffee
