Friday 1 October 2021


Gently rising from Navarrete on the Roman road Italia to Hispania this area was a base for pottery in the past. The Roman road links with the Rio Ebro which leads to Barcelona and in turn by land or sea to mainland Italy. Reddish clay soil surrounds us.

The fortified construction of Najera Monsteria provides a little insight into how this area was fought over by adjoining regions.

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  1. I am LOVING the blog. Such an interesting read.
    Hope you feel ok ... tough walking , especially with pains.
    Very proud of your ventures dad. You inspire me.
    I think you are right that it is adventure that drives people there. This sort of thing, with its peaks and troughs, challenge and reward, being at one with nature, is a medicine for the feeling of being alive.

  2. Many inspirational people on the Camino and very lucky to have good friends to share the adventures
