Friday 28 June 2024



Not without some difficulty crossing a barren landscape beyond Lagos the promontory at Sagres is shrouded in mist. I might have guessed it would be and it lends a certain mysteriousness about being there. I hear the sea waves crashing below but the dense mist obscures any view.

One of the "end of the world" locations!

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The Portuguese are not very complimentary about the Spanish from my experience so far. I didn't hear a bad word about the Portuguese when in Spain. Certainly within the older generations the Portuguese I come across (a limited number of course) there is much debate ongoing about the origins of Portugal. The country name came into existence in the 800s'. The Anglo Portuguese alliance (once between the Kings of England and Portugal and now the UK and Portugal) in 1386 is the oldest still in force and is there to promote friendship and support of each other. In the 1400s' the Age of Discovery began and Portugal's Prince Henry the Navigator (Infante D. Henrique) was a key figure. A statue of him is in Lagos, a town with a significant harbour.

In Algarve holiday making rules and the intensity for making money out of tourism is never far away. Traffic is intense too and cycling is not favoured.

Lagos has a low key fortress and a long paved waterfront and marina. Generally speaking it costs significantly more than Spain to get through the days and nights.

About the language I'm going to say nothing as I can't speak any.

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Wednesday 26 June 2024


Portuguese drivers are much less tolerant of cyclists. Other than country roads traffic is intense. Albufeira is heaving with French and British holidaymakers. It could be anywhere with a lovely sandy beach andsunshine.

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Tuesday 25 June 2024

Tavira, Portugal


The noticeable fact today is Portugal is clearly a holiday maker destination. Crossing the River Guadiana which I first came across back in Mérida, Spain, the ferry landed in Vila Real de Santo Antonio, Algarve.

Tavira is a tasteful destination. Remnants of a Muslim castle exist and the Rio Gilão flows tranquilly through the centre. Low lieing land has brought about a salt production industry. Following tracks I'm reminded this section of my journey is once again following the EuroVelo1 (North Cape to Sagres).

To my surprise the river level has dropped and clearly it is tidal here in Tavira although the sea is nowhere in sight.

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Monday 24 June 2024


The Rio Tinto is full of iron and other poisonous elements making it very unhealthy. At Niebla the Roman bridge over the Rio Tinto is still in use and the Muslim fortress was built to withstand attack by weapons using gunpowder. It is regarded as the first significant building to withstand such attacks although it was surrendered to the Christian Army in due course. Huelva sits between two magor rivers and access for me proved difficult avoiding extensive areas of swampy land or major highways. San Juan del Puente was celebrating John the Baptist Day a day later than La Palma from where I set off earlier.

As a result of the earthquake of the mid 1700s Huelva was mosly destroyed. The same earthquake which hit Lisbon. It is still a major port but cannot be regarded as a beautiful city. Maybe it was different in past times.

Cristóbal Colon set sail from Huelva. His statue shows him pointing towards the Atlantic and distant America. The waterfront is extensive but the replicas of the ships Colón sailed are a little distant to visit today.

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Sunday 23 June 2024

La Palma del Condado


Today was initially dictated by the exceptionally high temperatures reaching 37°(45° on the road). Bodegas apoear however in La Palma del Condado preparations were underway for celebrating St John the Baptist Day. The Barroquial parish church of San Juan Bautista (St John the Baptist) appeared to be preparing for a Sunday mass but clearly something important was happening as  people from the town gathered.

A stunning procession took place through the town with brass band and thumping percussion. Initially and dramatically the decorated structure holding the statue of St John aloft inched out through the main doorway. Carried by a team of men within the decorated structure into the Plaza de España and followed by dozens of dignitaries dressed for the occassion. The procession made its way through all the main streets at a slow pace. Very slow with fresh teams of bearers at intervals. It all took many hours and went well into the scorching hot night. Truly magnificent sight and showing the strength of Catholicism in Spain. 

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Saturday 22 June 2024

Seville for a second day

Today in Seville it is 37° and spending time in the cool of the Cathedral is welcome relief. The visit includes climbing the La Giralda tower which is 40 odd sloped tiled ramps to arrive at the bell tower. The bell rang when the visitors were immediately underneath and frightened us all stiff after the serious climb up there. The structure is largely Islamic era as are parts of the Cathedral. The largest Cathedral in the world of course pushing the Hagia Sophia in Instanbul into second place. That's got the ramped access ways to upper levels too. Ramps can be climbed by mules to heave up the privileged.

Really one needs a whole day to see all that the Cathedral offers and whilst it doesnt have a massively voluminous nave there are countless chapels with  artwork, gold and silver craftsmanship and so much more.
Inside an important mausoleum to Cristóbal Colón was erected in1899 after his body was moved from Valladolid where he died to the Dominican Republic then to Cuba before arriving in Seville, the city he loved. The city loves him too.

In the days of discovery the ports of Cadiz and Huelva were highly significant ports and as Seville was the capital of Andalucia and relatively closeby it benefited from trade in and out of these ports. A particular chapel is devoted to those making voyages to pray for safe return.

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